Thursday 15 February 2018

Poem Life Time Story

                                                          Life Time Story 
                                                       by Jacquline Munro


                Poem of the day 
Roller Coaster Disaster

By Jacquline Munro

Have you ever been
On a roller coaster
In your dream
When the ride starts
The world around you glistens
Refreshing and clean
Fun and happiness
Engulfs your emotional esteem
But wait the ride
Has not started
The world
Has suddenly become darker
A crumbling emotional reality
Hits you harder
No stopping this roller coaster master
No stopping the next emotional
Or disappointing disasters
A Catastrophe outrageous moment encounters you
Stampedes demolishing humanity
Like a selective transformer
Picking out those
Who will be incriminated
By the roller coaster master
Then the sharp turn
Slows down the ride a glimmer of light
Comes into sight
For a short while
Before a shadow
Of colluding confusion
Hits the roller coaster ride
Near the end
I will count to ten
And hope this
Roller coaster nightmares ends

                Poem of the day


By Jacquline Munro

Today I feel quite liberated
By my new appearance
My body’s less enhancement
Of one breast less
My body feels enchanted
By the beauty of its disfigurement
Enveloped like a little package
Compared to the right breast enlargement
But I want you to understand
I feel liberated
When dressed
At the appearance of my contour
One big one small
Not understanding the excitement
A moment in time
that my inner feeling enjoys
The endurance of cancers complex eccentricity
Is like a relationship with uncertainty’s
Even though I await
The results
If I am cancer free
I still feel liberated
Controlled and embracing
My new body
I am happy free
A somebody
                  Not a nobody         

                                                                    Poem of the day
One breast less

By Jacquline Munro

The operation has been performed
Something that in a life time
You will never think will happen to
One or more
After being marked up and prodded
The hardest thing was the pain block
Expertly placed and pushed into my back
Was the only time I bawled
I wanted to leave run away
Crawl out of the theatre
By the side door
Was my decision right
To remove my left breast tonight
The anaesthetist took over
The last and the first to be seen
And I was wheeled onto the ward
Not knowing what
The morning will bring
When I touched my left breast
Which was my best
When breastfeeding it was
The pudding breast flavours
She caressed
But today I am frightened
To look at it
As there is nothing there
Examination from the surgeons
Delighted with their works
Inflation to start in January
I have got over the worst
Lots of pain
But controlled by a switch
So I will rest
That is my ordeal
                                                         Of the removal of my left breast       

                     Poem of the day
Lost memory
By Jacquline Munro
Have you ever lost your memory
And don’t know where you are
Don’t remember your address
The name of your street
If the walls were brick
Or concrete
Have you ever looked
Around you
And think why am I here
What am I meant to be doing
What am I meant to be saying
My mind is betraying
My memory is fading
This new feeling is amazing
Soul searching of who I am
Am meant to be
Now not then
Have you ever tried to have a thought
The thought is empty
The emptiness is compressed
But I don’t feel like a mess
I don’t feel I should contest
Or protest
With my lost memory
It’s like holding
Onto sugar
In a hot tub of mucus
Which is useless
Have you ever lost your memory
I have
Maybe it’s time to move on

Poem - I write to create